How To Take God's Name
Some time ago I listened to a sermon that largely focused on the 3d Commandment; Exodus 20:7, which reads:
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
The pastor asserted that this verse was very often misinterpreted and misapplied; I agree. The pastor also quite correctly pointed out that the word for "take" in the original Hebrew; phonetically pronounced "naw-saw" actually has nothing directly to do with speaking; it has much to do with putting on and carrying; much as when my wife took my name when we got married, or when I take a gift or take on a responsibility.
Most people think of this verse as meaning that we are commanded to refrain from using [speaking] God's name cheaply, or "commonly," or something to that effect; such as using such well known phrases as "O.M.G." or "G.D. it!" Please understand that I am in no way asserting that the use of these phrases by Christians, or anyone else is OK, not in the least (neither did the pastor). Such language is very unbecoming of a Christian. There are other passages in Scripture that address how we should speak about God, and about anything else.
In a nutshell, the pastor rightly advocated that Christians; people who bear the name of God, should not bear His name improperly. In other words, if you are a Christian, act like a Christian; live the way that Scripture instructs you to live. I fully concur.
I think that this needs to be taken further, however. First off, we need to clarify the definition of a Christian that will be used in this post. This author recognizes that people who have truly believed on; FULLY put their trust in the FINISHED work of Christ PLUS NOTHING ELSE WHATSOEVER, in any way, shape, or form, are Christians; they have taken Him at His word and have been been born again (John 3), and that second birth that they now possess is sinless, because it is born of God (1 John 3:9) who is sinless and immortal/eternal, not of the sinful flesh which is sinful and mortal. Anyone who claims to be a Christian who has not truly put their trust in Christ; who has not truly taken Him at His word, is bearing the Lord's name in vain; they are bearing it uselessly! These people are in blatant disobedience of the 3d commandment, no matter how religious [even famous] they may be, no matter how "good" they may [appear to] be, no matter how many "good" works they have done, no matter how many church rituals and sacraments they may have completed, no matter what seminary they may have graduated with honors from, no matter how many best selling books they have authored, no matter how prestigious the church they may pastor, etc. They indeed are superficially [falsely] bearing God's name, yet it is very much in vain. Whatever belief system, etc. that they have, that they may deem as being their faith in God, it has ZERO power to save them or anyone else; they are living out a lie; a faith that is in vain, that will ultimately result in their eternal condemnation, if they die without ever truly taking the Lord's name (Revelation 20:11-15). They have broken God's Law here, and of course everywhere else (James 2:10); they are not God's children; they are not part of His family. One could even go so far as to say that they are imposters; liars about their identity.
A verse that I have used in many writings that I have posted on this site; Galatians 5:16, applies yet again here too. The people described in the paragraph above do not have the Spirit to walk in, as does the true believer, who is sealed with the Holy Spirit when he/she truly believes the Gospel (Ephesians 1:13, 1 Corinthians 15:1-4). The people in the paragraph above have never truly have trusted in Christ and have thus never truly believed the Gospel. Neither has anyone else of any other religion (yes, we all have a religion, even [especially] atheists) who has not trusted in Christ and been born again. We as believers have; presently possess eternal life, which simply by definition cannot be lost (John 3:16, 6:47, Romans 11:29). Only we as believers have been adopted into God's family (Romans 8:14-17). As members of His family and the future Bride of Christ, we share (TAKE) His name; much as my wife and my children bear my last name as members of my family, only to a much greater degree. Being bearers of His name; having taken His name, we are to display it in such a way that honors Him and bears fruit; the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). This is what happens when we walk in the Spirit. Of course there is no bearing of the fruit of the Spirit without the Spirit to walk in; just as there is no bearing apples without an apple tree. There can be things that look very much like apples made without apple trees; just as non-Christians can produce "fruit" [behavior] that may look like the fruit of the Spirit, yet at the core; in its very nature, it is much different. The fruit that comes from the Spirit is flawless (1 John 3:9), and fruit that comes from flesh, which is all that those who have taken His name in vain have, is tainted...rotten to the core and totally unacceptable to God (James 2:10, Isiah 64:6).
Without the new birth; bearing the Lord's name in vain, you are guilty before God, and as the text says, He will not hold you guiltless, because you still have your sin; Jesus has not removed it. When you have been born again; not bearing the Lord's name in vain, He has removed your sins and does indeed hold you guiltless because of your sinless (guiltless) second birth (1 John 3:9). You cannot legitimately take His name without Him taking away your sin.
Please see my post from a few months ago entitled "Worship, What is it...". Anything of supposed "worship" that is done outside of that context; true worship of God, I believe is a violation of the 3d commandment.
Believe in Christ; take Him at His word; believe the Gospel. Then, and only then do you have the Spirit to walk in. Then, and only then, will you be in obedience of the Third Commandment. Do this and you are taking God's name as He would have you take it. This will most certainly NOT be in vain. Now you can continuously choose to walk in the Spirit (something only the believer can do, because only the believer has the Spirit) and experience the abundance of God's blessings in this very short imperfect life, and the eternal perfect next life. God bless.
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